Best Books for Young Adults

Sometimes life can be a little bit of a roller coaster. There are many ups and just as many downs as we journey through the highs and lows. This may be a tough realization, but it’s our reality.

There will be challenges and barriers that each of us will have to face throughout our individual lives. That’s why I’ve taken the time to put together a list of what I feel are some of the best books for young adults!

I selected these books because each has something special to offer to those who read them. These books will challenge your perspectives and expand your mind.

Overall, these books will help you to begin designing the life that is best for you!

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Best Books for Young Adults!

Man’s Search for Meaning by Victor E. Frankl

In this book Psychiatrist, Viktor Frankl discusses his experience while living in Nazi death camps. He goes into detail about the lessons this experience taught him about spiritual survival. I believe that this is one of the best books for young adults.

Frankl puts forth a convincing argument that avoiding suffering isn’t realistic. However, through choosing how we cope with suffering and ascribing meaning to it we retain the ability to move forward with purpose.

This certainly is a book that I feel anyone can gain value from. Man’s search for meaning has been listed as one of the most influential books in America. Additionally, it has currently sold over 10 million copies!

If you’re looking to not only deal with suffering but overcome it, this is the book for you!

Get the book here!

You Are a Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life by Jen Sincero

In my opinion, Jen’s novel is a must-read motivational book. It’s great for those young adults who are into life design.

Jen provides readers with simple exercises to help people identify their self-limiting beliefs, habits, and attitudes.

Jen’s wants to help people understand why they have developed certain thought and behavior patterns. She explains how each of us can begin to focus on the things that we can change. Just as importantly, she also explains how we can begin accepting the things we cannot change.

She provides some great advice and does so in a humorous way to truly captivate her audience. This results in a highly motivational book which inspires you to begin striving towards your main life goals.

Overall, the book offers a new and comical approach to life design and motivation. This book will appeal to a variety of different audiences. It can be enjoyed by anyone who decides to pick it up.

Get the book here!

Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance by Angela Duckworth

When I was putting together this list of best books for young adults, this one was a no-brainer.

In Grit, psychologist Angela Duckworth argues that the secret to achieving success relies on grit. She defines grit as a unique blend of passion and persistence.

The insights offered by Duckworth encourages readers to never underestimate the power of consistent, long-term action towards a goal. Especially when you’re passionate about that goal.

In Grit, Duckworth addresses the many thoughts which commonly intrude into our heads when we fail. She then gives us a variety of different methods which we can use to combat them.

If the idea that success is about your perseverance and persistence resonates, this is the book for you.

Get the book here!

The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck: A Counterintuitive Approach to Living a Good Life by Mark Manson

In Mark Manson’s self-help guide he tells us basically to stop trying to be positive all the time. Once we stop trying to fake positivity Manson believes we’ll finally be able to figure out how to be better and happier people.

This book offers a refreshing take which counters the majority of self-help books currently out there. You may have been able to guess that based on that first paragraph.

Mark refuses to sugar-coat the lessons he shares in his book and regularly opts for a brutally honest approach.

Mark encourages us to accept our faults and limitations, that life isn’t always fair, and that not everybody wins. A sad reality, but at least after reading this novel you’re more prepared for it.

Overall, this book presents some great philosophical wisdom for our modern generation. This has helped empower many individuals to regain control over their actions and their life. If you’re looking for something different to shake things up, this would be a great book for you.

I don’t just think that this is one of the best books for young adults. It could easily be one of the best books for anybody who picks it up.

Get the book here!

Unfuck Yourself by Gary John Bishop

Bishop’s book also presents a refreshing take on self-empowerment. He provides an honest, tough-love guide to help you begin challenging and getting over your self-limiting beliefs.

In this book, Bishop gives you the tools and advice required to overcome your self-imposed limitations. With these skills, you can begin creating your unrestrained best-self.

He argues that more often then not, we are the ones impeding our progress. He believes that our negative mindsets and beliefs are what truly holds us back. It isn’t other people or the circumstances we’re exposed to.

So if you want some help identifying the self-limiting beliefs you currently hold and some advice on how to overcome them, you will not regret investing in Bishop’s novel.

In a world fixated on flaws I believe that this is one of the best books for young adults.

Get the book here!

The 4- Hour Workweek by Timothy Ferriss

In this book, Ferris talks about the fast-growing subculture who has abandoned the “deferred-life plan”. These individuals have instead have mastered their time and mobility to establish their best lifestyles.

Regardless of who you are, Ferris offers some great insights that you’ll find helpful.

Just of few of the topics covered by Ferris include:

  • How to outsource your life so you can focus on the things you truly want to do
  • How to eliminate wasted time from your life
  • And how to find your passion and create a life that has meaning and value to you personally

This has been a widely popular book since it was published and it’s one you won’t regret looking into.

Get the book here!

Designing Your Life: Build a Life that Works for You by Bill Burnett & Dave Evans

Again, this was a no-brainer for this list of best books for young adults. With our world becoming increasingly fast-paced and complicated, this book offers a much-needed solution.

In Design Your Life, Burnett and Evans believe that many of us don’t know what we want to do with our lives. That’s why these two Silicon Valley design innovators use their expertise to help you work out what YOU want from YOUR life – and more importantly, how to get it.

Their Life Design course has been tried and tested by thousands of people and has received an array of positive reviews from many different types of people ranging from those early in their careers to those who have retired and are seeking a new future.

Because of this success, they’ve decided to share their simple method in book form. They teach readers how to use basic design tools to create a life that finally works for them.

Using real-life stories and proven techniques like reframing, prototyping, and mind-mapping, Burnett and Evans will teach you how to build your way forward, step-by-step, to a better life of your design.

Get the book here!

Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones by James Clear

The final book I’m going to include on this list of best books for young adults is Atomic Habits.

In Atomic Habits, James offers up his proven framework for improving every single day. He reveals the practice strategies that he has learned as one of the world’s leading experts on habit formation that will help you form good habits, break bad ones, and create a behavior pattern that will get you results!

He explains that to form good habits and break bad ones you need to understand the system for change. So he shares with you a system that will help you achieve what you want from your life.

This system will help you make the good habits inevitable and the bad habits nearly impossible to partake in.

James talks about how each of us can overcome the lack of motivation and willpower, how to design our surroundings so that they facilitate our success, and how we can rebound when we inevitably fall off track.

Overall, atomic habits will shift how you look at your progress and success and equip you with the tools and strategies needed to transform into your best self. Trust me when I say that this is one of the best habit formation books out on the market!

Get the book here!

Wrapping Up…

I hope some of these books are just what you needed right now and that you’re willing to invest in 1 or 2 of them! I hope that they will help you design your life in a way that lets you move closer to your goals every single day.

If you have any other books of your own that you would like to recommend please share them in the comments below!

We are a community and we’re in this together!

What’s Next…

Today we covered the letter B of our A-Z post series! So next up we have C! That post is going to be a good one so be sure to check back in to see what it’s about. I’m pumped for that one so I hope you are as well.

Until then, stay excellent!


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Mark Lynch

Mr. Lynch is the founder of the Excellence Addiction: Balanced Living Community (go here to subscribe and learn how to unlock your personalized balanced living formula that will facilitate your own success and happiness). Last month, over 1000 individuals were excited to join Mark’s balanced living community. Read his inspiring story, “Achieving a Balanced Life Took Me From Distress to Success.” Feel free to pick up your free life balance workbook here.

best books for young adults

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