Your Balanced Lifestyle Definition

It’s no mystery that the world is evolving at a faster pace than ever before. We’re constantly being challenged to take on more and more as a result of that. Many of us deal with never-ending to-do lists and at times it can feel like we have no free time.

This is why coming up with a balanced lifestyle definition is so important.



balanced lifestyle definition comic

Lifestyle Balance occurs when you establish a healthy mixture of the different domains of living. This doesn’t mean you are incorporating all the different areas of your life equally. Many people make that mistake because they hear the term “balance”.

Defining your balanced lifestyle is a very personalized experience. The balance you establish should be unique to your life and your goals. Your goal here is to establish a lifestyle that encourages your success and happiness.  It takes a great deal of self-awareness to do this so prepare to do some self-reflecting.

Don’t shy away from this just because it’s going to be a challenge though. Figuring out the balanced lifestyle definition that works for you is very beneficial. I’d go as far as to say that it’s nearly essential to achieve your true potential.

Before you get started though, it’s important to understand some key components involved in maintaining a balanced lifestyle. You can do that by exploring the different domains of living. I’d recommend starting with the physical domain of living. You can also check out the Basics of Healthy Living Webpage as they also have a ton of great information!

Establishing YOUR Balanced Lifestyle Definition

There is no right or wrong way to accomplish this. Let’s make that clear right out of the gate. The most important thing is that you find and implement the right balance for yourself.

You likely won’t be able to establish this balance overnight. I want you to be well aware of that. Your balanced lifestyle definition won’t appear in the blink of an eye and you’ll likely be constantly tweaking it as you go through life. At least that’s been the case for me.

However, you can take comfort in the fact that each little change we make is a step in the right direction. If you try something and find that it didn’t bring you the balance in life you were expecting, you can go back and fix it. It’s not the end of the world.

Defining what a balanced lifestyle is for you is a process. Each step you take, right or wrong, helps you to continue along the journey toward the correct destination.

My Top Tips for Defining Your Life Balance

These are some of the techniques I used to figure out my life balance and help others figure out theirs. Remember what I said earlier though, that everyone is different. That means that these tips may work for some of you, or they could be completely irrelevant. Either way, I hope they get you thinking!

Engage in Self-Care

To achieve a balanced lifestyle you need to understand self-care. I find that professionals struggle the most with the idea that they always must be doing something. Getting things done is definitely part of life, but your body needs plenty of rest, exercise and healthy food as well. So take some time out of your busy day to enjoy activities and unwind. I personally like to do this through either meditation or reading.

Get Organized

This has been a big one for me. I used to think I didn’t have time for the things I wanted to do. I’m willing to bet a few of your also feel this way. I promise you, YOU HAVE TIME. Get organized, cut out distractions like TV, social media, etc. There’s no need to spend 2 hours on each of these activities every day. Planning your day is one of the best ways to increase your productivity and achieve your definition of a balanced lifestyle.

Define Your Values

This is a big one for self-reflection. Look, it’s 2018, there’s no need for you to put yourself in a position where you hate what you do every single day. If you try to force yourself to do something you don’t enjoy, for whatever reason, I guarantee you will be miserable. So put in the time, do some self-reflection and define your values. Once you’ve done this you can begin establishing your balanced lifestyle definition around those values.

Define Your Life Goals

This is similar to the values point above. Again, you’ll need to do some self-reflection and answer the question, “what is it you what to achieve with your life?” Once you’ve answered this, you can make sure that your life balance is setting you on a path to achieve those goals.


Don’t be afraid to try things. This is again something people struggle with because we’re constantly told that these mistakes are bad. That’s not the case on your journey to establishing your balanced lifestyle. And I’m going to tell you now, you’re going to make some wrong choices and head down the incorrect path multiple times. I have yet to see anyone establish the perfect life balance in one shot. If you want to try painting for 30 minutes a day to help with your life balance, then do it! If it helps, great you’ve discovered a great activity you can add to your lifestyle, if it does, well you can always use that canvas for firewood. No harm done.

Make Yourself Happy

This is one of the most important tips I often leave people with. Above all other things, the life balance you define for yourself should make you happy. You only get one life, and you’re free to live it how you please. Just know that you can be both successful AND HAPPY. There is no need to choose between the two. Your life balance should encourage both of these aspects of your life.

Why Creating a Balanced Lifestyle Definition is Important

There are a ton of great reasons to create a balanced life. I’ll probably hit on them in more detail in a later article. I just wanted to state some of the benefits here to hopefully encourage you to take action at the end of this post!

  • A balanced lifestyle often leads to reduced stress levels. And honestly, who wants stress in their life?
  • Improves general health, well-being, and overall life enjoyment. If that reason alone isn’t enough to kick your butt to define your balanced lifestyle I don’t know what will.
  • It can result in improved mental health. According to many credible sources such as, a good life balance can positively impact your mental state. As I said above it can reduce stress. It can also lead to increased happiness and relaxation and improved mental functioning!
  • You’ll feel more energetic. Since you’ll now have a lift that has been aligned with your goals, values, and that makes you happy, you’ll have more energy to engage in it. Whether that’s more energy to dedicate to your family, your friends, your activities and commitments, it really doesn’t matter. You’ll feel like you have more energy to get it all done!
  • Your mood and attitude will be more positive. It’s been shown that exercise isn’t the only that can lead to improvement of your mood. Healthy habits and a good life balance that has been personalized to you can lead to more positive behaviors.

And there are many more reasons. These are just some of my favorites!

Let’s Wrap Things Up for Today

Well, I think that’s all I have to say about establishing your balanced lifestyle definition today. I really hope that you found this article informative.

If you’d like to learn more about balanced living then why not check out my balanced living story, How Achieving a Balanced Life Took Me From Distress to Success. Or, you could go learn about some of the different domains of living. Personally, I recommend that you check out the mental domain of living. It’s one of my favorites.

Also, if you’d like to leave any recommendations for future article topics, please reach out and send me an email personally!

Until next time, stay excellent!

Mark Lynch

The Excellence Addiction

Mark Lynch

Mr. Lynch is the founder of the Excellence Addiction: Balanced Living Community (go here to subscribe and learn how to unlock your personalized balanced living formula that will facilitate your own success and happiness). Last month, over 1000 individuals were excited to join Mark’s balanced living community. Read his inspiring story, “Achieving a Balanced Life Took Me From Distress to Success.” Feel free to send Mark a message here.

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