How to Overcome Loneliness and Isolation

Given the global situation with COVID-19, people have been asking how to overcome loneliness and isolation.

With all the social distancing that’s going on, I’m not surprised this is one everyone’s mind.

We are social beings by nature. It’s hard to go long periods without seeing certain family members. It’s hard to stop visiting our closest friends. But right now we have no choice.

So let’s explore how to overcome loneliness and isolation throughout the remainder of this social distancing order.

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Understand the Problem

The best way to start resolving any problem is to make sure you have a solid understanding of it.

I wish I could tell you exactly what to think here, but that’s not how it works. I also know you don’t just want information spoon fed to you. That’s certainly not what you get when you follow me after all. I know that you’re willing to put in the effort to better yourself and your mind.

Though I can’t tell you exactly what to think, I can help you explore this issue. Through this hopefully we come up with the answer you’re looking for. I’m happy to serve as a guide here!

So let’s get into it by making sure that we understand the issue first. Then we can eventually begin learning how to overcome loneliness and isolation.

Begin to Think it Through

Let’s start by thinking about the situations where you feel the loneliest. Is it in the mornings? Is it throughout your workday because you aren’t able to connect with your colleagues and co-workers? Or maybe it’s at the end of the day when you come home to an empty home.

What Causes You to Feel Lonely and Isolated?

For many people, they feel the loneliest in the evenings. This is especially true when they come home to a living space where they are alone.

Think about these situations. Try to identify which most resonates with you on a personal level. The goal here isn’t to understand the issue completely, but to identify where it’s occurring.

How Long Does It Take for You to Feel Lonely and Isolated?

This is the next thing that I want you to think about.

How long does it take for you to feel lonely and isolated when you’re in these situations?

Does it take a few hours? Maybe it takes a day or two? Or maybe you don’t get lonely, you just feel isolated.

Why I want you to think about this and be completely honest with yourself? Because if you fall closer to the “few hours” end of the spectrum there may be some things that you need to work through.

If you can only be alone for a few hours before feeling lonely, there’s a good chance that you’re uncomfortable being with yourself.

Maybe you’re just extremely extroverted. That’s certainly the case for many people. However, it could also be that there are some underlying issues here. And those are thing that you need to identify and address.

Again, what those are, only you know. I can’t tell you, nor can anybody else. You need to take the time to reflect on them.

But the plus side of this is that if you are able to reflect on them and identify the mentalities which are causing you to feel lonely and isolated you’re going to be able to begin challenging and shifting those beliefs.

That will set you up well. You’ll be much more receptive to learning how to overcome loneliness and isolation!

How to Overcome Loneliness and Isolation

Now that you’ve examined the issue in a little more depth, you’ve gained some important self-awareness. You know what triggers your loneliness and feelings of isolation and you’ve identified potentially some insecurities which are generating them in you.

This work you’ve put in is going to help you apply these precautions to help prevent these feelings from occurring. It’s going to help you implement healthy social distancing.

Here are some suggestions for things that could help you overcome loneliness and isolation. Pick the ones which resonate the most with you and begin applying those to your life in situations where you typically begin feeling lonely and isolated from other people.

I promise these will help you if you give them a try. Commit to it!

Stay Connected with Others

Don’t let yourself become isolated for extended periods if you know that makes you feel isolated and alone. This might be difficult with orders for social distancing going around right now, but you can connect with other people in a variety of different ways still.

Something that I’ve seen become very popular over the past few weeks is virtual dates! This is where you just set a time with someone, maybe a friend or relative, and get in some virtual face-time over a platform such as Zoom.

This is a great way to say connected because not only do you get to hear someone else’s voice, but you seem their face as well. This does so much more for you mentally than texting someone does.

Learn a New Skill

Another thing that I’ve seen a lot of people doing that seems to be helping them, myself included, is begin learning a new skill. Whether this will help you in your career or is just for personal pleasure doesn’t matter, just pick something and go at it!

If you’ve wanted to start a business, well maybe now is the perfect time to start brainstorming ideas.

There’s no better time than right now to launch that podcast you’ve been wanting to put out into the world.

If you’ve wanted to learn a new language or a musical instrument, while you got all this time at home is a great time to get the basics down!

All of these activities help keep your mind occupied and help to keep you feeling accomplished and motivated. This keeps your momentum rolling forwards and keeps you feeling good!

Grab a Book or Watch a Movie

This is a great way for you to sit back and relax while also preventing yourself from thinking about being stuck in isolation. Sometimes being transported to a different world via a book or a movie is just what the doctor ordered.

Take this time to recharge your battery and be creative. You don’t get many chances to be truly by yourself and our world is so face-paced we rarely take the time to enjoy it when things slow down like this.

Try to focus on the good things here. Focus on the things you can control.


This is something that has been helping me out. You don’t get many chances like this to truly try to connect with your inner self and align your life. This is a rare opportunity. Seize it.

Take this time to rediscover yourself. Get to know who you are and what it is that you enjoy doing. What you want from life. What you want to avoid. Think about whether or not you’re on the right path right now or whether you need to take some corrective actions.

This can help you to overcome that sense of isolation and loneliness. Sometimes meditation can help you achieve a sense of solitude and comfort with being alone. This is something that I’ve been able to accomplish over the past few months. I’ve become comfortable being in my own company.

I’ve taken the time to master my mind and use it as a foundation from which I can build future success. Meditation can help you with that also. Give it a try.


Here’s another great way to improve your mood when you’re feeling lonely and isolated. Get yourself moving! Exercise does amazing things to the mind. You feel good about yourself and your self-confidence increases.

It’s something easy that you can do from the comfort of your own home. You can even turn on Netflix as you do it. Get down do a set of push-ups, sit-ups, or squats. God for a walk, jog, or bike ride. These are all things that I’ve been doing.

In fact, I’ve taken this time to start training for some of the endurance events like marathons and triathlons. Those are things that I’m really looking forward to. Definitely, a long way to go though haha.

What exercise comes down to is taking this time where you’re feeling lonely and isolated and transforming it into opportunities where you can begin challenging yourself. Push yourself to new heights.

Putting it All Together

The most important lesson here for how to overcome loneliness and isolation is that you’re identifying the situations where you feel lonely and addressing the root cause as to why you feel lonely.

So for example, if you feel lonely and isolated when you come home to an empty apartment schedule a call or virtual meeting with someone while you cook your dinner.

If you get lonely while you’re sitting around watching television, do something that occupies your mind more such as reading or exercising to prevent your mind from wondering.

If it’s the anxiety of being alone that gets to you, meditate. Find that inner calmness and clarity that reminds you that even when there’s nobody around you physically, you’re not truly alone. Use it to become comfortable with solitude and grow into someone who can overcome isolation.

Main Takeaways!

There are many important lessons on how to overcome loneliness and isolation. Which ones resonate most with you after reading this are likely the ones that are going to be most effective for you.

Also, by no means was my list above exhaustive. There are tons of ways that you can combat loneliness and isolation. You could probably list a few ideas off of the top of your head right now if you tried.

In the end, what this comes down to is you mastering your mind. Typically, those who struggle to be alone haven’t taken the time to master their minds. When you have, you become much more comfortable being by yourself and left to your thoughts because you know your mind isn’t going to betray you.

Wrapping up

So what have we learned today?

We started by asking you to focus on identifying the situations and timeframes that it takes for you to begin feeling lonely and isolated. This provides you with the information you need to begin combating these sensations.

 After you had completed that step and identified the issue and improved your understanding of your situation, we walked through some examples of things that you could begin trying right now to combat the loneliness and isolation that you’ve been feeling.

Then we finished by talking about how the best solution is going to be one that you uniquely tailored to your own needs based on your personal preferences and lifestyle.

If you can do this, you’ll be well on your way to mastering your mind and learning how to overcome loneliness and isolation.

Social distancing isn’t going to have anything on you!

Stay strong! Stay hard! Stay Excellent!

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    Mark Lynch

    Mr. Lynch is the founder of the Excellence Addiction: Balanced Living Community (go here to subscribe and learn how to unlock your personalized balanced living formula that will facilitate your own success and happiness). Last month, over 1000 individuals were excited to join Mark’s balanced living community. Read his inspiring story, “Achieving a Balanced Life Took Me From Distress to Success.” Feel free to pick up your free life balance workbook here.