Winning Mindset: Why Winners Keep Winning

Here’s the important question that we’re going to be looking at today:

Why is it that winners seem to keep winning? What separates them from the rest of the people who struggle to win at all? What makes a winning mindset?

The answers to these questions are things that you can immediately apply to your life to make improvements.

Not everything will apply to you directly but pick and choose what resonates most with you. Who knows, maybe you’ll be able to teach somebody else something based on what you learn here!

I’ve done some research on the mindsets of some of the top people in their respective fields. These people not only win but totally dominate their craft.

You deserve to dominate in your life as well. This brief article is going to help you do just that. It’s going to help you develop your own winning mindset.

If you guys get any sort of value from this, please consider sharing it with a friend of yours! It means a lot to me and helps the Excellence Addiction grow!

Before We Go Any Further Excellence Addiction Team!

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Mindset mentality

Where Does the Average Person Fall Short?

Let’s talk about average Joe.

Average Joe claims that he wants to be successful to all of his family and friends. He says he wants great relationships, to master his job, and be in amazing shape. He repeats this mantra and affirmation almost daily.

However, most days Joe goes to work and complains, isn’t willing to put in the effort to find a great partner, and instead of hitting the gym he comes home and hits Netflix most evenings.

There’s nothing wrong with Joe’s life. Let’s get that straight. We have no right to judge others or shame Joe for enjoying living this way.

That being said, we can clearly see Joe’s goals don’t align with his actions. He claims that he wants to be a winner, but he doesn’t act like it. Joe doesn’t put in the effort it takes to win. Instead, he just enjoys daydreaming about winning.

How Can We Save Average Joe?

If Joe keeps living this way, it’s unlikely that he’ll become a winner this way.

This is why it’s important to understand why winners keep winning! If Joe just applied a few habits to his life, he’d make massive progress! He’d develop a winning mindset!

By shifting his behavior and his mindset to that of a winner, he could become one!

What was the point of this story? To remind you not to be the average Joe of your life. If you want to be a winner, you need to understand why winners keep winning. And more importantly, you need to be willing to put in the work to develop a winning mindset!

So let’s take some time to learn about what gives winners their competitive edge. Let’s figure out what allows winners to keep winning day after day.

The Winning Mindset

Mindset is super key for a winning lifestyle. Without mental strength and resiliency, the foundation from which your success is built will have cracks in it.

For this reason, we need to explore what makes winning mindsets.

1. Good Mood

Most winners tend to adopt good moods. There’s a reason for this. Our emotions and our attitudes influence not only our mindset but our performances as well.

Positive moods tend to produce energy and resiliency. This allows winners to overcome setbacks and obstacles. Losers, on the other hand, often seek out excuses to stop pursuing their goals. Their negative attitudes don’t enable their success.

That being said though, no amount of positivity or affirmation will make up for work undone. What that means is that if you don’t put in the work, positivity isn’t going to save you.

This is why I don’t personally agree with a lot of the woo-woo mentality that is circulating around social media. I completely agree that positive moods have strong influences on us. But I don’t think we should go to the extent where we’re faking it.

2. Those With Winning Mindsets Don’t Quit

This point outlines why I don’t think positivity is the most important factor for winning.

I think it’s unrealistic to always be positive. If you’re trying to do this, I hope it works wonders for you. But I just personally feel like it doesn’t work.

This is because life is going to be rough sometimes. There are going to be times when you feel negative. To ignore those feelings would do yourself a disservice. You won’t develop a winning mindset this way because to resolve those feelings you need to address them.

And this is a major reason why winners keep winning.

Because true winners can accept the negativity around them and in their life. They can reflect on it, address it, and move past it. Winners don’t quit when they are faced with a challenge.

They can face obstacles and challenges and work to solve the problem. That’s a massive thing that separates winners from losers.

3. Winners Believe in Themselves 

Here the simple truth. If you can’t believe in yourself and your ability to win, why should anybody else around you?

You need to shift your mindset if this isn’t already in your head. If you don’t believe you have what it takes to win, what do you need to do to get to that point? Ask yourself that.

Because that belief in yourself is what gives you confidence. And if you’re going to win, you need at least some degree of confidence. And this can’t be fake confidence. It needs to be genuine.

That’s something I personally struggled with for a long time. I faked confidence because I wasn’t at all confident.

If you feel this way, start investing in yourself. Do whatever it takes to get to a point where you have that confidence. Because it’s a major reason why winners keep winning and losers fall short of their goals.

4. In Their Heads, Winners Have Already Won

This is a novel mentality for many people. So don’t get discouraged if you don’t feel like you’ve got this mentality. But it is key to developing a winning mindset.

What it means is that losers often approach problems with doubts and expect things to go wrong and for themselves to fail. They approach problems with closed minds and close themselves off from even potentially obvious solutions.

There’s no winner out there who expects to fail continually.

This is because winners have developed that self-belief and put in the work! As a result, they expect to win when the time comes for them to perform. Even after they fail, they still expect their next attempt to be a win. They don’t let themselves get hung up on failures.

This about NBA basketball players. Any top-level player will tell you they always adopt the mentality that their next shot is going in. It doesn’t matter how many in a row they miss, that next one is going to drop in.

They always have their minds focused on winning because anything less is a distraction.

5. People With Winning Mindsets Don’t Waste Time or Energy Making Excuses

This may come as a shock to you, but often winners have done the most losing. Yea… let that sink in for a second haha. Winners are often the people who put up with the most losses.

Winners are the people who are often pushing harder than everyone else. They do more losing than losers as a result because they’re always facing challenges. If you’re constantly facing challenges, you’re going to fail sometimes.

The major difference is how the winners respond.

Winners know that they are in charge of their life. They know they have to live with their decisions, regardless of the consequences. They don’t waste time trying to pass that blame on to other people in their lives.

Winners often even enjoy taking responsibility. Because they understand that if you’re not failing at least sometimes, you’re not pushing yourself hard enough.

Contrast this behavior with how losers fail. They’ll pout and throw their hands up in their air or blame a teammate or the ref for losing.

Winners admit when they have lost. Then they analyze that failure and extract the lesson from it. Then finally, they use it to become stronger for their next attempt.

6. Winners Know How to Push to Their Next Levels

A lot of people struggle with this. Many of these people would have been successful if only they didn’t fall victim to this trap. They work so hard to establish themselves and finally they start winning, but then complacency sets in.

This complacency sabotages businesses, entrepreneurs, relationships, fitness routines, etc. The list is literally endless.

Complacency is your enemy. It causes you to take your foot off the gas thinking you’ve finally made it when in fact, you just took your first few steps ahead of the pack. With your foot off the gas though, the pack eventually catches right back up.

Winners know that when they finally start seeing the success the journey is only just beginning. There’s always more to do. We can always improve. We always have a next level to achieve.

So why do winners keep winning? Because they understand that a little success is a sign that they’re on the right path. It tells them that now is their time to dig in. Now is the time that their true fight begins.

Winners are constantly pushing themselves to their next level so they can be better. This winning mentality persists regardless of how high up the ladder they’ve climbed.

7. Winners Understand Massive Success Requires Massive Efforts

Here’s the last mindset tip I have for developing a winning mindset. And this one is possibly up there with the most important of them all. Then we’ll get into talking about the habits.

Winners know how to stay hungry. They know that nothing is guaranteed to them regardless of who they are and what they’ve previously achieved.

It takes a tremendous amount of effort to get to the top in any field. Then once at the top, you become a target for those trying to catch you. The moment you stop working and hustling is the moment you become an easy target.

This is why winners keep winning. They put in work that most people would not ever even consider putting themselves through.

Habits of Winners

1. Winners Align their Actions with Their Goals

This one is simple. Winners aren’t average Joe’s. They don’t just say they want to accomplish things and then act in a completely different way. The average person has goals but isn’t willing to put in the effort to achieve them.

A big part of developing winning mindsets is continually aligning your actions with your goals. If they want to make time to be more social, they put it right in the calendar. If they decide they want to improve their productivity, they schedule work periods.

Winners take action to align themselves with their goals.

Yes, these may seem like small things. That’s because they are.

That should encourage you though!

Because these small things are what sets winners apart from the herd.

2. True Winners Know the Importance of Helping Others

I’m sure you know how shitty it feels to have someone tear down your accomplishments.

True winners don’t do this. They don’t waste time trashing other people. In fact, they do the exact opposite. They help raise them up!

Most people only take the time to celebrate and focus on their own achievements. They’re self-centered. This is not a trait of a true winner.

Winners not only celebrate the victories of others. They also go out of their way to help others achieve things of their own! They share what they know, connect people with experts, and give behind-the-scenes access to their success.

This makes them happy. And that’s an awesome thing about being a true winner. You get just as much joy from helping others win as you do from your own wins.

Winners aren’t selfish, they are selfless. They provide value to others because they genuinely want to help others attain better lives.

That’s something I’ve loved about becoming a winner. The shift in focus from my own efforts and success to watching and helping others reach success.

3. People With Winning Mindsets Avoid Spreading Negativity

Negativity is toxic. This is a message I agree with. I do think some people on social media take this too far though. They refuse to allow negativity into their lives.

These people will be disappointed because it’s impossible to avoid it forever. We can’t control that. However, we can control how we respond to negativity.

When confronted by it, we always have a choice. We can partake in it, or we can address it and move past it. It’s that simple and often only takes a split second to decide which route you’ll take.

But so many people take the lesser path because it’s easy. It’s easy to quit, gossip, and complain. That’s why quitters do those things and spread negative vibes. Because spreading negativity is easy. Those toxic vibes infect their lives.

This is why winners keep winning. They have developed a winning mindset that allows them to cope with negativity rather than brush it under the rug. Winners have accepted that negativity is always going to be part of the world.

4. People With Winning Mindsets Commit to Their Goals

True winners commit to their commitments. Ok, that might have been a little confusing.

What I mean is that a big reason why winners keep winning is that they stick to their goals.

Think about it, even if you put in 100% effort every day, how much progress do you think you would make if you constantly are switching the goals you’re working towards?

If you said not much, you’d be right.

True winners understand that winning often takes time. It takes commitment and hard work continually.

So if you quit as soon as you get tired or when things become challenging, you need to work on that.

Don’t sell yourself short of your happiness because you didn’t have the discipline to stick to your goals. Don’t sell yourself short because you couldn’t stay focus on the things that truly matter.

5. Winners Surround Themselves with the Right People

Winners surround themselves with the right people. You are the average of the people you surround yourself with. I truly believe that.

One of the mottos that I enjoy trying to live by is trying to ensure I’m never the smartest person in the room.

That doesn’t mean I act like a dumbass…

It means that I always try to have at least someone around me that I can learn something from.

Because these are the people that are going to challenge you to grow. These are the winners that will help raise you up to also become a winner. And this is one huge reason why winners keep winning. Because they’ve created a circle of winners!

This team of like-minded individuals shouldn’t be undervalued.

Sure, you might be able to do it alone. But you can do it so much faster with the right support.

6. Winners Keep Learning

As we’ve already discussed, losers respond to failure very differently from winners.

They hate failure and avoid focusing on it when it occurs. Winners, on the other hand, analyze failures and seek out feedback.

Winners understand that if you don’t learn from your failures, you aren’t going to grow. They apply that idea to the rest of their lives to grow. They always challenge themselves to learn more and more.

This is why winners often seem like they have a firmer grasp of the world. It’s because they do!

They’ve taken the time to learn about their field in great detail. They understand what it takes to become exceptional because they’ve developed the knowledge.

When losers find out they’re wrong, they double down and get defensive. Winners are very different. Winners strive to keep an open mind. This is because winners don’t care as much about being right. They care much more about understanding.

Those with winning mindsets understand that learning why they were wrong or why they failed is just as important on their journey as their successes are. They see any learning as an opportunity to grow into the person they want to become. They see failure as opportunities to further develop their winning mindset.

7. Winners Show Up Day After Day

Yes, I know we covered a similar topic in the mindset section above. But showing up day after day also is a habit.

Plus, it’s super important. So I made the executive decision to include it in both sections.

A major reason why winners win is that they show continually. They are always ready to give their best effort regardless of what it is they are doing.

This makes winning a habit for them because they are in the habit of always giving their best effort.

Think about it, who’s more likely to become a winner. The individual who always gives their best effort or the person who only gives their best effort sometimes.

The answer is pretty obvious, isn’t it?

Losers regularly feel like they are entitled. They feel like the world owes them opportunities and success. I truly feel bad for them. Winners understand that any success they want is worth working for. This is what motivates their incredible efforts and is a huge part of a solid winning mindset.

Because they’ve made winning a habit.

Winning Mindset: Why Winners Keep Winning Wrap Up

There you have it! All my thoughts on why winners keep winning.

Winners keep winning because they’ve developed winning mindsets and habits that promote their success.

If you don’t have some of these habits or mindsets, don’t get discouraged.

Get to work!

Because at one point, winners didn’t have them either. They worked for them. And if they can work for them, you can too.

There is no easy path to success. You have to earn it. Learn to detest mediocrity and complacency. They hold you back.

Push yourself to become the winner you know you can be.

Stay strong, stay hard, stay excellent!

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    Mark Lynch

    Mr. Lynch is the founder of the Excellence Addiction: Balanced Living Community (go here to subscribe and learn how to unlock your personalized balanced living formula that will facilitate your own success and happiness). Last month, over 1000 individuals were excited to join Mark’s balanced living community. Read his inspiring story, “Achieving a Balanced Life Took Me From Distress to Success.” Feel free to pick up your free life balance workbook here.