Win Big with Mental Toughness

Let me ask you this, have you ever wondered how to have more impact in your life? Have you ever wondered about how you could become more productive? Or how to finally begin achieving the things you want to achieve?

The answer to all of these questions, is to work on developing your mental toughness. If you want to win big, mental toughness is the skill you need to focus on developing. I’d argue the influence this skill has on our lives is second to none.

This is because mental toughness encompasses many key ideas that relate to resilience, commitment, attitude, and drive. This skill, simply put, offers us a means to combat daily challenges, overcome them, and continue striving for our biggest goals.

Mental toughness is what causes us to thrive in those difficult environments. It helps us to seek out and seize the right opportunities. And above everything else, it’s what encourages us to strive for personal development and self-improvement throughout it all.

This is how we grow. This is how we eventually win big in life, through developing mental toughness!

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The Mental Toughness Spectrum

According to the 4Cs model of mental toughness, metal toughness should be viewed along a spectrum. At one end you have mental toughness and the other end mental sensitivity. Neither end of the spectrum is better than the other, they are simply different ways of approaching the world and the problems it presents us with.

However, sensitive individuals do tend to find difficult situations more stressful to cope with. Whereas, mentally tough individuals prosper in these settings. As a result, mental toughness tends to increase the likelihood that someone will advance to more difficult positions in their life simply because they are better suited to those situations.

This is how mental toughness helps these individuals win big. It provides them with the skillset they need to thrive in situations where their growth and development will be challenged.

So you might be asking me, if this skill is so valuable can you learn it?

The short answer to that is, Yes! Of course you can. And even if you start small, I would highly recommend that you begin trying to develop this skill in your daily life.

The benefits are massive.

Why Consider Developing Mental Toughness?

Most people already know that there is a very clear link between an individual’s mental strength and their performance. Many studies have been able to prove that mental toughness does indeed help people win big in their lives, regardless of the setting.

And this is why mental toughness is so important. So I’ll repeat that.

Mental toughness will help you win big regardless of the setting!

Through developing mental toughness, you’ll enable yourself to become more productive, more efficient, and more focused and driven when it comes to achieving your goals.

The beauty of this is the everyone possesses mental toughness to some extent. This is not a black and white concept that you either have or you don’t. As I mentioned earlier, it’s a spectrum.

As you become more and more mentally tough you will find you increasingly benefit from this crucial skill. Don’t underestimate it.

The more mentally tough you are, the more likely you are to win big in your life.

7 Ways Mental Toughness Helps You Win Big

Though this list definitely isn’t exhaustive, it does cover some of the major highlights. These are just a few of the ways the mental toughness will benefit your life.

  1. Mental Toughness Increases Confidence

It really doesn’t matter what your goals are, mental toughness will help you achieve them.

Whether your goal is to complete an ironman, run a triathlon, or become the smartest person on the planet, you need confidence and self-belief.

Regardless of our goals, it’s highly likely that we’ll experience some degree of self-doubt on our journey. This causes us to question our ability to achieve the goal we set out for ourselves.

But as you increase your mental strength you slowly learn how to reframe your negative self-talk. You learn how to spot this negative spiral, how to stop it, and then how to swap it with more productive thinking.

This is why mentally tough people often come off as more positive and optimistic. They’ve taken the time to address their negative self-talk. That gives them a powerful advantage.

When you stop talking negatively to yourself you abolish a lot of self-doubt for more productive though patterns! This in turn helps you win big in many different areas of your life!

  1. Mental Toughness Maintains the Momentum You Need to Win Big

I’ve said this a few times over on Instagram, the Podcast, and at various points here on the blog.

Motivation is fantastic, but momentum is what brings you true success in your life.

It’s easy for us to stick to our goals whenever we’re feeling motivated, well-rested, and driven. However, motivation and drive inevitably wear out over time.

This is where mental toughness kicks in to keep you moving forward towards your goal. Even on days when you feel like doing nothing.

Mental toughness helps you bring your inner strength to the surface. That’s a skill you need in order to achieve massive success in your life.

You need to know how to overcome tired, soreness, and discomfort. And Mental toughness will help you get to that point!

  1. Mental Toughness Reduces Your Need for External Validation

This is a massive problem in our generation. This need for the validation of others, the fear of being judged as a failure or seen making mistakes. I don’t know where it came from, but it really holds us back!

And because we want to please and impress others, we allow their opinions to influence our decisions and behaviours. That’s obviously not good for us. Instead of following your own path, you’ll follow theirs.

Thankfully, mental toughness reduces you need for external validation. It helps you recognize that the only person’s approval that you truly need is your own.

This doesn’t mean that you ignore everyone’s advice. It just means that when the time comes to make decisions for your life that your opinion is that one that’s going to matter the most.

That makes sense right? Why shouldn’t your opinion be up at the top for choices regarding your own life?

So in this way, mental toughness helps you remain true to your core values and beliefs. And by doing that, you enable yourself to live a life that resonates with what you feel is most important.

And when you align yourself with your values and beliefs this way, you start living a life of true meaning and significance as defined by you personally.

If that’s not a big win I don’t know what is!

  1. Mentally Tough People Learn from Failure

It’s ironic that people run from making mistakes because they don’t want to be seen as a failure.

Because the more you fail, and the more you learn from those failures, the more likely you are to eventually become a success. Sure it’s a long-term game. But at least you do eventually become successful right?

Mentally weak people instead hide from their mistakes. They make excuses. That type of behaviour, failing to own up and analyze one’s mistakes, only increases the chances that you’ll make those same mistakes again.

This is something mentally strong people thrive at. They can own up to mistakes and failures and take responsibility for them.

They know that their mistakes don’t devalue them as a person. They see failures as stepping stones.

Personally, I’d have to agree with them. If you aren’t making mistakes, chances are that you’re not pushing yourself, so you’re not growing.

Remember, each time you make a mistake you’re presented with a lesson. With each lesson you gain, you grow that much closer to reaching your biggest goals.

  1. Mental Toughness Helps You Overcome Fears

This builds off of the last point that I just made. Just like these individuals don’t let failure devalue them, they don’t let their fears devalue them either.

More importantly, they don’t let their fears hold them back.

They recognize that it’s OK to have fears, but in order to grow, they need to be able to sometimes face those fears.

That mental toughness helps give us the confidence that we need to not only tolerate discomfort, but overcome it as well for the sake of our growth and development. For the sake of our progress.

When you finally learn how to get over your fears, you give yourself the chance to unleash your full potential.

  1. Mental Toughness Improves Resilience and Helps You Win Big

Now this is something that a lot of us lack.

If you take anything away from this blog article, this is what I want you to remember.

Mental toughness improves resilience. It increases your ability to bounce back from things like loss, failure, and rejection.

This is because mentally strong people understand that as long as they keep trying and putting in the effort to achieve certain goals, they will continue along their path to success. And with enough drive and dedication they will eventually achieve those goals.

They’re not worried about falling short on any given attempt, because they know they can learn from those experiences and try again.

This ability to bounce back quickly is key, because life is going to knock you down at times. In those moments you’re faced with a decision, you can get back up or you can stay down.

Now, most people do eventually get back up.

But mentally tough people get up a lot quicker.

Not only does that save them time, but it keeps the lesson fresh in their mind. And with that added experience they are able to bounce back quickly and do better next time.

Over time, they crush some amazing goals simply because they have been able to try more than everybody else!

  1. Mental Toughness Puts You Emotionally in Control

Here’s the final benefit of mental toughness that we’ll cover today. And it’s also a pretty important one if you want to win big.

As I said earlier, life is going to knock you down sometimes. The path to success is a rollercoaster of some of the highest highs and lowest lows.

If you don’t have the skills to recognize, work through, and address your emotions, you’re going to find this path difficult.

This is where mentally tough people thrive.

These individuals have developed the self-awareness to work through their emotions. They know how to recognize them, get to their roots, understand them and cope with them.

This doesn’t mean they are stoic and go around without emotions. Mentally tough people can still be very expressive. They’re just in control of their emotions, instead of letting their emotions control them. They understand and are able to feel their emotions without letting them cloud their judgements.

Final Comments on How Mental Toughness Helps You Win Big

So there you have it! Everything you needed to know about how mental toughness can help you to win big in your life.

From helping you get over your fears to helping you improve resiliency this skill will have massive impacts on your life and your path to success.

I hope you enjoyed the article.

And until next time…

Stay strong! Stay hard! And stay excellent!

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    Mark Lynch

    Mr. Lynch is the founder of the Excellence Addiction: Balanced Living Community (go here to subscribe and learn how to unlock your personalized balanced living formula that will facilitate your own success and happiness). Last month, over 1000 individuals were excited to join Mark’s balanced living community. Read his inspiring story, “Achieving a Balanced Life Took Me From Distress to Success.” Feel free to pick up your free life balance workbook here.