Money Isn’t the Issue

I’m regularly asked about “the secrets to success” or to high-performance mentalities.

However, many of the conversations end up talking about finances and money. They want to know how to earn more money.

Like, I get it, money is important. I’m not going to argue that. But your money isn’t the issue here, it’s your behaviour and mentality. It’s your habits. It’s how you handle yourself on a daily basis. This is your problem not how much money you have.

Ask yourself, are you giving 100% every single day? Are you living up to your standards? Are you out there earning the goals that you’ve set out for yourself? Or, are you just daydreaming?

Because here’s the thing, financial success rarely comes to people who cut corners.

That’s why there’s not true “get-rich” quick scheme that is actually reliable.

Before We Go Any Further Excellence Addiction Team!

Imagine a life where you finally weren’t being held back by your self-limiting beliefs? Imagine if you unleashed the full potential of your mind!

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Mindset mentality

Money Isn’t the Issue, It’s Your Mentality

This is why I’m telling you that money isn’t the issue, it’s your mentality. It’s how you handle yourself when nobody is looking. Your failures in these moments, your desire to cut corners rather than to put in the work to do a job right to the utmost degree of perfection that’ you’re capable of at this moment is why money hasn’t found its way to you yet.

So everything you do, yes EVERYTHING, is important. I don’t care how small the task is. How you handle yourself in these situations matters because it puts on display your mentality.

You need to put in the work like your life and success depend on it. Because they do. They truly do. The sooner you understand this the sooner you will start to win.

As soon as you adopt the attitude that it’s OK to do the bare minimum here because this doesn’t matter, nobody will ever know… Watch out. Because this is a slippery slope to failure.

That cutting corners mentality is addictive because it looks like you’re making progress faster than you’ve ever done in the past. But you’re not. You’re cheating yourself out of true growth, development, and mental toughness.  

And soon you will be compromising not only with work, but with everything else in your life as well. In your relationships, your physique, and eventually your finances!

You will be left with a mediocre life.

So if you want to absolutely dominate. You have to understand that money isn’t the issue. It’s your mentality. And you have to ingrain the belief within yourself that perfection is not optional. It is required.

Money Isn’t the Root of Your Problems

Look. People often claim that money changes people. But I don’t think so. I think it gives people the freedom to be who they truly are. Because they feel like they can.

They no longer need to worry about what other people think because they don’t need other people to be successful.

So no, money doesn’t change you.  It just amplifies what’s already there … who you already are.

Money isn’t evil. No inanimate object is on its own evil. It’s what we do with it.

So the people who claim money is evil likely have other issues going on. Maybe they’re jealous of the people who have money. Or maybe they think it’s noble to “not have things” because the life of minimalism is better than abundance.

But truthfully, that’s just their opinion. Not being wealthy doesn’t make you magically morally superior to people who are. Just like happiness is independent of your money, so is whether or not you’re a good person.

Just because you’ve worked hard and earned a lot of money doesn’t mean you’re a bad person. I can’t believe that some people genuinely feel this way. It’s so flawed.

People shouldn’t feel bad for wanting things. It’s their life. They should be free to use it as they please.

Money Just Amplifies Who You Are

Money isn’t the issue, it’s just an object. It’s not good or bad. It’s just a tool we use to express who we are as people. It amplifies our true selves.

People who are generous when they have barely a hundred dollars in the bank are even more generous when they have 100 million in the bank.

But if you make minimum wage and are a Scrooge at Christmas time…you could someday become part of “the 1%” and I guarantee you’re not going to suddenly become Mother Theresa.

People who make $40,000 a year and have money problems because they mismanage their money will STILL have money problems even if they win the lottery.  The amount of mismanagement and stupidity and overspending will scale with their income.  That’s how you can have a professional athlete making hundreds of millions of dollars a year and STILL go broke because his budgeting and spending habits are terrible.

What you are on a small stage you will be on The Big Stage.  

If you know someone who seemed like a decent person but changed as soon as they got money, guess what… They were always like that. Money didn’t change them. It just freed them to be their genuine selves. It gave them the resources to express themselves.

Money Isn’t the Issue Wrap Up

Look money’s not a magic potion. It doesn’t transform you into something completely new. It amplifies you, your beliefs, your values, and your character.

It’s not going to solve your problems, just like it’s not the root of all your problems.

In the end, what I want you to wrap your head around is that money isn’t the issue, it’s YOU!

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    The Excellence Addiction

    Mark Lynch

    Mr. Lynch is the founder of the Excellence Addiction: Balanced Living Community (go here to subscribe and learn how to unlock your personalized balanced living formula that will facilitate your own success and happiness). Last month, over 1000 individuals were excited to join Mark’s balanced living community. Read his inspiring story, “Achieving a Balanced Life Took Me From Distress to Success.” Feel free to pick up your free life balance workbook here.