Not Everyone is Going to Like You


Not everyone is going to like you…

Most people don’t even like themselves.

The sooner you realize this … the sooner you will stop getting hung up on what everyone thinks about you.

It’s tough to digest, we know, but it’s a simple fact that you need to accept. Try as hard as you might, there will always be people who do not like you. And that’s a good thing.

Accepting this isn’t easy, especially if you pride yourself on being a people-pleaser. However, though there are some things you can do that’ll help you overcome this insatiable need to be praised by the whole world.

Before We Go Any Further Excellence Addiction Team!

Imagine a life where you finally weren’t being held back by your self-limiting beliefs? Imagine if you unleashed the full potential of your mind!

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Accept That Not Everyone is Going to Like You

The first step in problem-solving is admitting you have a problem.

You may say, “I don’t need everyone to like me.” You may even remind yourself that not everyone is going to like you. Yet you find yourself getting upset when someone says that they don’t like you.

Where do these feelings and emotions come from? Think about it, try to get to the root of this issue. Question these emotions, talk them out in your head.

My guess is that the vast majority of us feel this way because we enjoy receiving the admiration of our peers. That’s understandable right? Who doesn’t like being praised by others.

And honestly, there’s no problem with enjoying that admiration.

Where the issue arises is when you become reliant on it. If you’re unsure of yourself and feel need other people to tell you how amazing you are on a regular basis, this is when it’s going to bother you when someone doesn’t like you.

So the issue stems from your need for external validation.

In truth, the only opinion of yourself that matters is your own.

If you learn to accept yourself, you’ll find yourself caring less and less about the list of people who throw some disdain your way. 

You’ll Increase Your Self-Esteem

Here is an interesting outcome that not many people think about. Hopefully it encourages you to embrace the mentality that not everyone will like you.

Because once you’ve accepted this, you’re actually going to strengthen the relationship you have with yourself.

And that’s important. Because you’re with yourself all the time. If you don’t have a good relationship with yourself, life is going to be rough. There is honestly no escaping that.

And here’s why that happens. When you accept that not everyone will like you, you remove the pressure from yourself to be liked by everyone.

I don’t think we realize just how much we burden ourselves with that task. Especially the “people-pleasers.”

Once you stop wasting your time worrying about how much people like you, you become free to just be yourself. And that is going to make you so much happier in life.

So if you’re given the choice of being surrounded with people who like the fake you vs the just being yourself, you know which route to go.

Ironically, when you simply become comfortable with yourself, often what you’ll find is that the right people naturally gravitate towards you anyways!

Understand Being Disliked Is Actually a Good Thing

And if you’re still struggling, then let’s help you shift your mind a bit. Because being disliked is actually a good thing believe it or not.

Chances are, if everyone likes you, you’re not doing or saying anything of importance. You’re prioritizing people-pleasing over meaning.

Because if you’re actually providing meaningful opinions, not everyone is going to like you or what you have to say. Haters don’t flock towards the insignificant.

So if nobody disagreeing with you or trying to tear you or your goals down, it’s quite possible that you’re not attempting anything of meaning or value.

And to me at least, that is scarier than actually being disliked.

I’d much rather do something of meaning and significance and accept that not everyone is going to like me, than live a life of unfulfilled potential.

Think About All the People You Don’t Like

It’s a contradiction to even assume that everyone could ever like you, because think about it, do you like everyone?

If you just answered yes, you’re a liar. Congrats. Because I know there are people in this world that you don’t like.

And you know what, these people probably don’t care or don’t even realize that you don’t like them. There life continues on just fine regardless of your opinion of them.

And this is what you need to understand. Not everyone is going to like you and that’s not the end of the world. It’s OK.

Accepting that not everyone is going to like you is just one of many things you can do to be a better human and free yourself to live a life of meaning, value, and impact.

So the next time somebody tells you that they don’t like you.

Look them dead in the eyes and say “good”.

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    The Excellence Addiction

    Mark Lynch

    Mr. Lynch is the founder of the Excellence Addiction: Balanced Living Community (go here to subscribe and learn how to unlock your personalized balanced living formula that will facilitate your own success and happiness). Last month, over 1000 individuals were excited to join Mark’s balanced living community. Read his inspiring story, “Achieving a Balanced Life Took Me From Distress to Success.” Feel free to pick up your free life balance workbook here.