Money Isn’t the Issue

Not all of our decisions in life are going to be complete game-changers. What you want for dinner this week isn’t going to make or break your progress and success right?

But some of these decisions will end up mattering a lot. And that’s why I always believe we’re one decision away from totally different lives.

Before We Go Any Further Excellence Addiction Team!

Imagine a life where you finally weren’t being held back by your self-limiting beliefs? Imagine if you unleashed the full potential of your mind!

If that idea lights a fire inside of you then pick up your FREE copy of the “Mindset Development Workbook”. As you work through it you’ll begin developing a winning mindset to unleash your full potential. It’ll walk you through how to get a quick win and show you how to begin building your unbreakable mind!

All you have to do is let me know where you want me to send it!

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Mindset mentality

My Last Big Decision

Let me tell you about the last bigger decision I made to demonstrate this point.

For a long time, all I was doing on social media was posting motivational quotes and short videos. Which is all fine and good and people liked them. But I didn’t get as much traction as I really wanted on some of the stuff.

However, then I heard about podcasting and thought it would be interesting for me to get into. It would be a great way to make knew connections and develop stronger relationships with the people listening to me.

So I made the decision to commit to creating the Unbreakable Mind podcast that you’re listening to right now. And since then, I’ve noticed significant changes.

Not only did I make stronger connections with people, including many of you listening right now… but this decision helped me to connect with new people who are passionate about the things I have to say… which is incredible!

To think that people would want to listen to me every week speak on the topic of mindset and mental toughness is more than I ever could have imagined before going into this.

But more than that, I’m a more confident speaker now than ever before, and I’m beginning to learn what it means to be an effective and engaging storyteller.

None of these changes would have happened if I hadn’t made that first decision.

I was one decision away from the position I’m in now. And thankfully I made the right choice in that situation.


Does This Mean You’re ALWAYS One Decision Away?

Now, my point here isn’t that you need to obsess over every single decision that you make.

That would cause you to become a chronic over-thinker. And not being able to make a confident decision and being receptive of the outcomes positive or negative is definitely not a sign of mental toughness.

So no, not every decision is a life changing move.

But that being said, you’re always one decision away from a totally different life. Each decision we make either puts us down a new path or takes us further down the one we’re currently on.

This could be a good decision. Like the one I made with starting a podcast. Maybe it’s a decision to start living healthier. Or maybe it’s committing to making some type of other positive changes in your life. That one positive decision can lead you down either a new positive path or further down the positive path you’re already one.

However, the opposite could is just as, if not even easier, to bring into reality. It’s easy to be a lazy good for nothing whiner. So each time you make a decision to be lazy or complain, this could also be a step towards a new negative path as you let your habits slide. Each time you make a negative choice it takes you further down the path towards a negative outcome.


The Bright Side

Now that’s rather gloomy, but there is a bright side. And that is that this is something that’s totally under our control.

So if you’re somewhere that you don’t want to be, you have nobody to blame but yourself. But it also means that you’re the only one who can make it right!

And this is why I totally believe that you’re always one decision away from potentially a totally different life!

And these moments that can change everything pass us more often than you might think. You just don’t notice them because they seem small at the time. You just have to open your eyes and your mind enough to see them.

Maybe it’s saying yes to opportunities that you would have previously rejected because you were afraid of failing in front of people or because you were afraid of being judged.

Even a small decision, as small as saying hi to someone, can lead to a huge opportunity you would’ve never had otherwise. One kind act may go unnoticed. But who knows, maybe the right person will be watching some day and your life will change entirely.


You’re One Decision Away Final Thoughts

If I was to leave you with a message, I think this is what it would be.

You are just one decision away from a completely different life.

Unfortunately, you can’t know which decision that is. So my advice to you is this.

Try to treat as many decisions as you can as ones that either put you on the right path or the wrong path as you travel towards your success.

When you think about it this way, poor decisions are OK from time to time. Because all the greatest journeys have detours and unexpected twists.

Why should your story be any different?

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    The Excellence Addiction

    Mark Lynch

    Mr. Lynch is the founder of the Excellence Addiction: Balanced Living Community (go here to subscribe and learn how to unlock your personalized balanced living formula that will facilitate your own success and happiness). Last month, over 1000 individuals were excited to join Mark’s balanced living community. Read his inspiring story, “Achieving a Balanced Life Took Me From Distress to Success.” Feel free to pick up your free life balance workbook here.