Setting High Standards

Ok, we talk a lot here about how achieving anything meaningful often takes time. It’s a slow process and typically you can’t rush it. You need to patient.

We have to build ourselves up. Through our dedication over time we can accomplish some pretty amazing things. We work on ourselves and set high standards to achieve greatness.

But what do you do once you’ve climbed your mountain? Where do you go from there?

You have two choices.

One, you can find a new mountain and keep climbing. Or two, you can begin letting yourself and your standards slide.

And just like growth, this decline also happens slowly over time. Hence why some people don’t even notice it happening. It might even be happening to you right now!

Before We Go Any Further Excellence Addiction Team!

Imagine a life where you finally weren’t being held back by your self-limiting beliefs? Imagine if you unleashed the full potential of your mind!

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Your Decline Will Be Slow

Just like you don’t become a success overnight, you also don’t become a failure overnight.

You fail to keep up with the high standards you set for yourself. You let yourself slip a little bit each day. It’s a slow process that the average person never senses, at least not until it’s too late.

You don’t notice until you’re completed halted your progress, or gained 50 pounds, or last any resemblance of a healthy diet, etc.

So think about this next time you are about to fall below your standards and expectations willingly. You set high standards for a reason, and when you fail up to them it matters.

Every time you decide to not make your bed, leave your room a mess, not do your workout, not give 100% on that project you’re working on, you are choosing convenience over your standards.

And we both know what happens to people who repeatedly choose the easy path don’t we? We know what happens when you consistently choose convenience over your standards.

Every time you do this you are making a withdrawal from the bank account of your “standards.”

You think that nobody will ever notice it. But does that matter? Should that matter? You think it’s such a small thing that you’d never get in trouble for it. But again should that matter?

How about you tell me. If you set high standards for yourself and regularly ignore them does that matter? What do you think?

You Set High Standards for a Reason

If you answered either of those questions above saying it didn’t matter, you’re WRONG.

Those small and almost negligible withdrawals from your “standards” may not seem like much, but they add up. You may not notice the impact each individual one has, but you’ll feel the impact of the total over time.

Because this is the mentality that plagues people that allow their standards to slip. They set high standards and then day by day and bit by bit they fall from those standards. They go from exceptional performers who are at the top to someone who is only a shadow of the person they once were.

And this is why it’s so important to set high standards and then ACTUALLY stick to them. Don’t just let yourself get comfortable with your small wins.

Hold yourself accountable for every single thing you do. Even the small things. Especially when no one is watching. Because believe it or not, when nobody is watching is when it matters most.

Because when nobody is watching is when you become your true self. There’s no one to judge you so you show your true colours. These moments, when you’re all alone, are when you define yourself.

So the work you do in these moments truly matters. The more you deposit into your “standards” account by doing exceptional work and paying attention to the details the more success you will have in life.

How to Judge Your Standards

Here’s what I want you to do. I want you to take a second to judge where your standards are currently at and decide for yourself whether or not you’re holding yourself accountable enough.

So we’re going to do a small thought exercise.

Imagine that you are put in front of a crowd right now who get to decide how successful you’ll be in life. They only ask you one question to determine how much success they’ll grant you in life. And that question is, “are you doing the best you can do?”

Pretty simply question right? But what would you answer? Think about that for a minute.

Are you doing the best that you could possibly do right now? Are you putting your best foot forward? Is this everything that you’re capable of or are you holding back or being lazy?

And before you make any type of excuse, before you blame anyone else, before you complain about how hard your life is, truly just answer the question. Regardless of the reason, are you doing the best that you can?

And there’s really no point lying with your answer. I don’t care if you lie. Nobody else cares if you lie. The only person you end up hurting by lying here is yourself, your growth, and your success.

So be genuine, authentic, and vulnerable with your answer. Don’t filter it. If you don’t think you’re doing everything to the best of your ability, say that! Because admitting it to yourself is the first step towards fixing the problem and holding yourself more accountable.

The Next Step to Set High Standards

Now that you’ve answered for this question I want you to move into phase two. Whether you’ve decided you’re doing the best that you can or not doesn’t matter, phase 2 remains the same.

Here I want you to just think of 1 single way that you can improve. I don’t care how small. Because I guarantee that once you think of one, that ball will get rolling. Because the truth is that we could all improve. We’re all works in progress.

If you’re serious about your growth and personal development, you’ll do this exercise carefully and regularly. Because these will sow the seeds of your success in the future.

Because success requires more than the bare minimum. If you want to be successful, you can’t settle for average or for just scrapping by. The more you drag your feet and fail to give your best effort the more likely life will try to drag you right back down as well.

And trust me, that feeling of unfulfilled potential is not something you want to have to face at the end of your life.

So honestly my advice for you is simple. Set high standards and then stick to them. Hold yourself accountable and take action while you still can.

You owe it to yourself.

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    The Excellence Addiction

    Mark Lynch

    Mr. Lynch is the founder of the Excellence Addiction: Balanced Living Community (go here to subscribe and learn how to unlock your personalized balanced living formula that will facilitate your own success and happiness). Last month, over 1000 individuals were excited to join Mark’s balanced living community. Read his inspiring story, “Achieving a Balanced Life Took Me From Distress to Success.” Feel free to pick up your free life balance workbook here.