Start Right Now!

We’ve all been there. Telling ourselves that we’re going to start right now working towards some goal only to endlessly put it off. It feels like shit doesn’t it?

Here’s what I want you to do today, I want you to think about how many times you’ve said something like this…

“Oh I don’t have time to do my entire workout, so I’ll just skip it all together.”

“I don’t have time to work on that book I wanted to start this week, So I’ll just start next week.”

“Oh I won’t have time to plan out healthy meals this week … I’ll just start eating healthy next Monday.”

Did you count? Even if you were lazy and decided not to count or think about all the times you’ve done this to yourself, it doesn’t really matter. Because I already know the answer. And the answer it probably more than you can even begin to count anyways.

Before We Go Any Further Excellence Addiction Team!

Imagine a life where you finally weren’t being held back by your self-limiting beliefs? Imagine if you unleashed the full potential of your mind!

If that idea lights a fire inside of you then pick up your FREE copy of the “Mindset Development Workbook”. As you work through it you’ll begin developing a winning mindset to unleash your full potential. It’ll walk you through how to get a quick win and show you how to begin building your unbreakable mind!

All you have to do is let me know where you want me to send it!

Additionally, you’ll get free access to our monthly newsletter that will help you continually strive for excellence in your life!

Mindset mentality

I’ve Been There…

It used to happen with me too, more than I care to admit…Until I started to take more control of myself and my life.

And the reason I point that out isn’t to say that I’ve got it all figured out, because I don’t. But I do understand what this feels like.

You justify your laziness by telling yourself that it’s just a small thing that doesn’t matter today, and you will do it tomorrow. Except you and I both know that it never happens.

And before you know it, days, weeks, months, or maybe even years, have flown right by you while you just stay at the same spot you’re at right now. These excuses prevent you from making ANY progress.

Instead of positioning ourselves to start right now, we never end up starting at all.

Escape the Cycle and Start Right Now!

If you want to get out of this poisonous cycle and learn how to start pursuing your goals immediately rather than pushing them off endlessly there really are just two things that you need to understand as fundamental truths:

  1. Stop bullshitting yourself and do what needs to be done TODAY.

This is a tricky one. Because the truth is not everything needs to be done today.

However, what we often see happen is that because not everything needs to be done right now, our goals take a backseat to things that appear more pressing.

We get it confused because there are somethings we think we need to do a lot more often than we really do. And those things continually get bumped up to the top of our list for various reasons.

Maybe it’s drinks with the girls or boys. Do you really need to be doing that every week? Should you continually prioritize socialization over your goals?

Maybe you work a hard job, so you’re tired or feel like you have no time to start on a goal. Should we prioritize rest over our goals?

Whatever it is that you’re doing all the time instead of chasing your goals, ask yourself is it necessary? Do you need to be doing this all the time? Should it continually be on the top of your priorities list?

Often the answer is no.

So take some time to think about what you’re spending your time on instead of your goals.

Are your priorities in the right place? Or do you need to shuffle some things around in order to start right now on your journey towards your goals?

  1. Advancing 1% is better than doing nothing at all.

I think this is something that a lot of people misunderstand. They think if they can’t do something 100% right now, then they shouldn’t do it.

For some things, I would agree with this.

For example, if you don’t have the commitment and dedication to 100% invest yourself in running a fundraiser for your community, you probably shouldn’t volunteer to lead that endeavor.

There are some things in life you just can’t half-ass because people will suffer if you do.

However, does that mean you shouldn’t help out at all just because you can’t commit yourself 100% right now?

Should you not start trying to live healthier because right now you don’t have the time, energy, or knowledge to achieve that goal?

Should you not start writing that book because you don’t know what it takes to create a bestseller?

Obviously not right?

If you have a goal, now is the time to work towards it. Start right now because even small steps towards the goal is better then standing still.

It’s the people who fear failure that choose to stand still. It’s the people who would rather daydream than work that end up standing still.

Don’t let that be you!

So Start Right Now!

So here is the message that I want you to take away from me today.

Get yourself out there and start right now! Go do the workout you promised yourself you were going to do.

Even if it’s 45 mins instead of an hour, go out there a smash that workout for those 45 minutes.

Start writing the book you always wished you would have written even if you are going to start with a single page or paragraph.

Start investing towards that dream house, car, vacation, or whatever it is that you want, even if you’re just starting with a few dollars.

Just start right now. Because every step towards your goals really does count in the long-term. It doesn’t matter how small these step seem at the time.

Moving forward, and keeping your momentum moving forward, is always better than standing still.

If you do that, and if you can commit to this behaviour and mentality for the long-term, somewhere down the line you’ll be thanking yourself.

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    The Excellence Addiction

    Mark Lynch

    Mr. Lynch is the founder of the Excellence Addiction: Balanced Living Community (go here to subscribe and learn how to unlock your personalized balanced living formula that will facilitate your own success and happiness). Last month, over 1000 individuals were excited to join Mark’s balanced living community. Read his inspiring story, “Achieving a Balanced Life Took Me From Distress to Success.” Feel free to pick up your free life balance workbook here.