The Wrong Side of Success

Hey guys welcome back to another unbreakable mind podcast episode you’re here with your host Mark Lynch and I am really looking forward to jumping into today’s topic which is about the wrong side of success!

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But now let’s jump right into today’s episode 

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Mindset mentality

And what we’re going to be talking about today is that success divide, because success does indeed divide us. You can be on the right side of success or the wrong side of success and you know which side you want to be on right.

If you’re working incredibly hard, whatever it is towards, putting hours in to develop your craft, improve your skills, I guarantee that you were on some type of path towards success.

But the kind of effect that your success is going to have on other people because your success will inevitably affect other people in your life, is going to depend on their mentality. And likewise, the success that other people in your life have is going to impact you in a way that will depend on your mentality.

The Success Divide

There are two groups that success divides us into.

The First Group

The first group is filled with people who hate. It’s the people who are intimidated by the other people who are taking action. These people typically are incredibly jealous and envious and though they quietly track your progress they don’t want to acknowledge you. They want to try to tear you down, they want to try to hold you back.

They’re not going to like your photos on social media, they’re not going to support you in any way but don’t think for a second that this means that you’re not on their radar. That they’re not noticing the work you put in. That they’re not noticing your success. But regardless you will never hear a single word of encouragement from these people because they don’t want to see other people be more successful than them.

That’s the first group.

The Second Group

And the second group is the people who, I feel, at least are the true winners. These are the people who aren’t only winning in their lives but they’re also excited for the win of other people and they encourage other people to keep on putting in that work so they keep winning. They work hard for themselves and they get pumped as others also win.

Not only should you appreciate those types of people if you have them in your life because they bring some really good energy, but you should also try to be one of these people yourself. Because if you got to choose between being someone who supports other people and their success versus someone who hates on other people and the effort and success that they’re painting… Like if you got a choice which one would you rather be?

The world is a better place when we’re supporting each other.

Remember this crucial point, someone else’s success doesn’t take away from the potential that you can also be successful. Just because someone else achieves success doesn’t mean you can’t also achieve success.

So don’t hate on someone or disrespect them because their success is here now because they’ve attained it now.

Congratulate them. Support them if you can. And then get back to your own grind trying to figure out or find your own type of success in your own life 

The Wrong Side of Success

But what I want to focus on today is actually the wrong side of success. The group that is hating on other people. Because I guarantee some of us are in that category right now.

It’s not something you are or are not indefinitely because it can change from time to time, moment-to-moment, and then from setting the setting.

Ideally want to strive to be on the right side of success but we’ve all experienced at some point or another envy in relation to someone else’s success.

As humans were just imperfect by nature right? We prematurely and unfairly at times judge or criticize other people simply to make ourselves feel better.

But this doesn’t get us to the root of the problem. Because often it’s not that we are hating on their success, it’s that something about their success is making us feel uneasy about ourselves and it’s our s*** that we need to clean up.

Their Hate Is an Internal Issue

It’s not the outward external issue that we’re really mad at. There is something internally that is causing that unrest and letting go of that type of negativity is hard work. But I guarantee it’s a lot easier than carrying it around.

Happiness and positivity come from inside you, so you got to figure out where that negativity is coming from that’s causing you to hate on other people’s success. Figure what it’s trying to tell you about yourself and then resolved it. Because it’s not a person, a place, or a thing outside of you that is often generating this negativity. Often it’s coming from somewhere internally.

Just remember in this process it’s okay to feel negative emotions from time to time. That’s absolutely not what I’m saying. We all experienced these negative emotions on occasion, we’re human. However, long-term those feelings will put you on the wrong side of success and hold you back.

To want to see others do poorly just because things aren’t going well for you at this moment requires an incredible amount of bitterness within you. And that’s something you do not want. That type of mentality isn’t good for you or anyone else in your life. Just try to imagine being so incredibly miserable that you dislike seeing other people’s success. So if this sounds like you, you may be on the wrong side of success and you should try pivoting the way that you are interpreting things in your life. It’ll make a difference.

Mentally Tough Mindset

True winners understand that another person’s success doesn’t belittle or discount any of the things that you have accomplished or the things that you want to accomplish in your life.

If you’re feeling negative about someone else’s success that’s probably just your ego getting in the way.

Rather than turning around and feeling sorry for yourself in this situation and trying to paint yourself as some type of victim because someone else was successful recognize that they put in the work and they often earned whatever success that they’ve achieved.

So start trying to let go of all those negative thoughts and judgments whenever you see someone else being successful. They aren’t productive for you in any way. They’re not going to help you whether you’re right or wrong.

Understand that all someone else’s success means is that it’s possible to be successful. And that anyone who’s willing to put in the time and the effort can attain that level of success.

You just got to be willing to grind.

People Get Stuck On the Wrong Side of Success

And this is where things can get a little sad at times, at least from an outside perspective. Because even though it’s been demonstrated that this type of success is possible for nearly everybody, most won’t achieve it.

Think about it, there are people who have entire books detailing almost every damn way that you could achieve any goal. They’ve literally created a blueprint.

Yet for some reason, most of us would rather either judge a book by its cover or judge others instead of trying to become successful ourselves.

That is a harsh reality that most people don’t want to accept because the truth is most of us don’t want to work that hard. Most of us aren’t willing to put in the effort. The average person is scared to do what it takes to attain some of their biggest goals. So not only are they not willing to follow that blueprint for a better life that’s been laid out right in front of them but they aren’t even brave enough to try.

So what do they do instead of admitting to themselves that they’re just lazy and don’t want to put in the work?

They hate and tear down other people’s progress. They tear down other people try to hold them back.

Unfortunately, they trap themselves on the wrong side of success by doing this. And this not only hurts themselves but the people around them as well.

Why We Get Stuck on the Wrong Side of Success

You might be asking why do people act this way. It’s because it’s a defense mechanism. They use it to hide how bad they’re feeling about themselves for letting another day go by or another opportunity slip by to make progress in their own lives.

So it has nothing to do with you when someone hates on you for your success. Often that has to do with them. They’re upset that you’re out here putting in the work and attaining the results that they want to achieve whereas they’re not doing it.

While the action-oriented are busy creating these opportunities in their lives, the people who are hateful and bitter create excuses. They create b******* barriers that are going to prevent themselves from attaining that success. Haters just wish they were brave enough to take the risks that the rest of us are taking.

They wish they could get themselves off the wrong side of success but are scared to try. They instead spend their days just picking apart the people who are doing the things that they wish they were doing themselves.

Here’s the Irony

And there’s irony in that situation. We can emulate almost anyone’s process. There’s literally blueprints out there. Those who are determined to win will find a way to win even if that means following that blueprint of the person who came before them.

Contrastingly, those people who would rather be bitter and negative about other people’s success and progress will find excuses. They’re going to complain under their breath about other people for doing exactly that thing that they should be doing.

All I know is that personally I want to see everyone do well. I want to see everybody achieve success. There’s no reason we need to compete for it. Our society could center around collaboration because there’s room on the ladder for everyone to climb if they want to. Just because one person takes a step up doesn’t mean everybody else can’t also take a step up, they just have to be willing to take it.

Wrap Up On the Wrong Side of Success

That is everything that I have to say about the success divide and the wrong side of success.

So now you know all about it you can identify if this is something that you’re struggling with in your life. And if it is, take my advice, get to the root of what is causing it because it’s somewhere inside of you.

Don’t blame other people for the negative emotions inside of you. You have to find it, figure out what it’s stemming from and then you have to resolve it.

I hope you thoroughly enjoyed this episode. I enjoyed talking to you about the wrong side of success!

Remember to take that second and leave a rating and review! That means so much to me.

And be sure to tune in next week because we’re going to be talking about how to approach and overcome nearly any goal.

And that is to be something that you can immediately apply to your life.

So don’t miss out on that one! I’m looking forward to it.

But until then stay strong, stay hard, and stay excellent!

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    Mark Lynch

    Mr. Lynch is the founder of the Excellence Addiction: Balanced Living Community (go here to subscribe and learn how to unlock your personalized balanced living formula that will facilitate your own success and happiness). Last month, over 1000 individuals were excited to join Mark’s balanced living community. Read his inspiring story, “Achieving a Balanced Life Took Me From Distress to Success.” Feel free to pick up your free life balance workbook here.