Become a Winner and Achieve Any Goal

It’s not easy to become a winner in life, it requires you to be able to smash some pretty large goals on a regular basis.

Most people see a big mountain of goals in front of them and they get infused with so much fear That they think it’s impossible to climb to the top.

That massive hill becomes all they can see and they end up fixating on that, which paralyzes their action.

Their fear fuels their inaction. As a result, they end up never taking action and not even trying at all.

They forget the fact that every person who ever climbed a peak started the same way…With ONE SINGLE STEP.

Remember this: Anything you’ve ever dreamed of is possible. It all starts with one step at a time … one day at a time.

That’s why I talk about winning the day. Do the best you can today so that tomorrow you are one day closer to your goal.

Repeat that over and over and over again. That is how you will win in life. That’s how you’ll become a winner.

But let’s break that down even more. I want to lay out the blueprint I use to approach any goal in this episode so that you can go and apply these strategies to your own life.

So let’s work through the 5 steps I typically work through to approach any goal.

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Step 1: Get a Goal

You need to know what you want to achieve. Not having a clear goal is like trying to drive somewhere new without directions. The chance of you finding your destination is slim at best.

To position yourself for success, you must clearly define what it is that you want to achieve, before you do anything else. So take the time to clearly define what it is that you want to achieve personally, not just what society or someone else tells you to work towards.

And on that note, don’t just set out to accomplish a goal to prove it to somebody else either. I’ve heard too many times that people are doing something because they want to prove it to someone who said they couldn’t do it. That’s honestly, a dumb reason for doing anything.

Don’t do it to prove it to someone else. Do it to prove it to yourself. If you don’t care about the goal, don’t waste your time. You’re doing yourself a disservice by not focusing on things that truly matter to you.

So that’s step 1 to how you’ll become a winner. Get a goal that matters to you.

Step 2: Do the Research

Find out what it’s going to take to achieve the goal. Most goals take planning, that’s the reality of the situation. To become a winner, you need to be prepared.

So take the time to look into what other people have done, see what made them succeed or fail, and learn more about what time, money, and resources it’s going to take to get you to where you want to go.

Remember that famous quote by Ben Franklin: By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.

And there is a lot of truth to that statement. If you want your plan to work, you need to put the work into your plan! If you want to become a winner this is a true, no brainer.

Step 3: Reverse Engineer

Start at the finish line and work your way backward until you reach your goal at the starting line.

Reverse engineering the goal you want to achieve will enable you to set clear and specific paths to progress.

This process allows you to work backwards through clear measurable steps and goals from your destination to where you currently are.

Basically, your goal with this step is to clearly outline what each step of the journey is going to look like for you.

Will this work out perfectly? No. Likely not. In fact, very few of my plans have gone perfectly the way I initially wrote them up.

But does that matter? Also no. Because by making that initial plan I prepared for barriers and mistakes that I might not have considered initially. And inevitably, there will still be some bumps in the road that weren’t predicted. And that’s OK.

At least now you’ve helped yourself to avoid some of these hiccups on your journey to become a winner in your life.

Step 4: Commit

Now that you’ve got a goal, done the research, and created the plan, it’s time to do the real work. Because if you want to become a winner, having a plan isn’t enough. You have to put in the work.

This is the hard part. But just get the ball rolling! Just start doing what you set out to do.

In order to finish anything, you must first start; it’s that simple.

Daily action will yield you the best results, so commit to hitting those measurable goals that you set out for yourself, and do everything you can to achieve what you set out to in regards to achieving your goal every single day.

This is again something I’ve talked about here on the podcast previously, winning the day.

And streaking together consecutive wins is how you become a winner.

If you have a big goal, you have to understand you’re not going to achieve it over night. Chances are you might not even achieve it this upcoming month or year depending on just how big your goal is.

But by putting in the work, at least you’ll be closer to achieving that goal tomorrow than you are today. And that’s a step in the right direction.

So go all in, commit to putting in the work, and start that grind!

Step 5: Support Group

Now this is a step that I personally feel is incredibly important. That being said, it’s not an absolute must have though.

I like to surround myself with at least a few people who know about the goal that I’m trying to achieve. It could be through seeking out mentors who can help guide me or by informing my friends and family that I’m on this journey so that they can hold me accountable.

I believe that having a peer group is definitely something that can work to your advantage, especially when things get difficult. It’s a lot easier to take on a hurdle that you’ve never overcome before if you have either someone who has done it before guiding you, or you have people behind you encouraging you to move forward.

I assure you that someone has probably tried to achieve the goal that you’re setting out to achieve and will be more than happy to share their experiences with you.

So if this is something that could potentially benefit you, I highly recommend you seeking out this type of support. Because in the end, these people sometimes what to see you become a winner just as badly as you do.

And that type of support isn’t always easy to come by in our modern world. So value it!


In the end, what it’s always going to come down to is whether or not you’re willing to put in the work.

I truly believe that any of us can accomplish nearly any goal, and that there aren’t as many barriers holding us back as we’d like to believe.

 The formula for success truly is as basic and nearly universal as they come.

None of the E=MC^2, derivatives, or solving for x stuff… it’s literally one variable. And that is whether or not you’re willing to put in the work.

It’s amazing, seeing how straightforward this can be at times, yet seeing that so few people actually strive for it.

If you want to be successful you’re going to have to get of your ass and earn it. That’s how winning is done. That’s how goals are smashed! That is how you become a winner, by putting in the work and earning it.

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    Mark Lynch

    Mr. Lynch is the founder of the Excellence Addiction: Balanced Living Community (go here to subscribe and learn how to unlock your personalized balanced living formula that will facilitate your own success and happiness). Last month, over 1000 individuals were excited to join Mark’s balanced living community. Read his inspiring story, “Achieving a Balanced Life Took Me From Distress to Success.” Feel free to pick up your free life balance workbook here.